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So, I've come very late to this party... Only heard from a friend that you would be remaking Mardek, spent the last few hours looking through the posts, and I must say... I'm very much impressed. This seems great, and incredible, and got me feeling all excited, both to see how the new comes, and how the old ties it.

More on this post, I really liked the new intro music, and especially how it goes in the same rhythm as the lyrics, I could accompany the reading with the music and it feels nice, especially for a story focused rpg.

On a more distant note, even knowing it has nothign to do with this post... I was a really big fan of your pokemon alike games in the past, both the virtual "mixing creatures" game and the more recent (though still old) of ruins and reviving ancient creatures. Of course the pokemon appeal is part of it, but your take on it was unique and incredibly interesting, at least for me. I was wondering if you have thought about them or something similar? After all, this new universe made of god's dreams and miasma could very well accept something in this vein, maybe in the same way as dragon quest did it, with the tamers, appearing little in the main series but having their own series of adventures. Anyway, just a thought and sorry for the long post, thanks for all your hard work and here's wishing all the luck with this project ^^
Tobias 1104~4Y
I'm glad to hear you're impressed rather than put off by changes, and I hope you'll stick around to see where this all goes!

I'd love to return to the monster-catching genre in some form, but I know from trying it a bunch of times that it's just too much work for one person alone. Plus I'm trying to stick with one project at a time rather now than jumping around between several like I did in the past, and it's likely I'll be focusing on this Divine Dreams thing for the next few years.

One thing I'm maybe planning to include is a character whose skills are based on essentially collecting and summoning monsters that you face, but I don't know any details yet because I've not got to that point in development!
I guess it's good to focus on a single thing at a time, it was more for curiosity and hope that I asked ^^

About this character that summons, I find it very interesting, and would just like to say it doesn't need to be battle long summons, something like instantaneous summon effects is also a possibility, like in final fantasy, and could still be very cool, while diminishing the work load to make it happen.
Tobias 1104~4Y
Oh, I forgot Final Fantasy summons worked as a single attack, actually! What I have in mind is summoning creatures as allies who you can then control alongside the rest of your party until they die, which I find much more interesting!